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llm-rs serves as an unofficial Python binding for the Rust llm crate, constructed using the PyO3 library. This package combines the ease of Python with the efficiency of Rust, enabling the execution of multiple large language models (LLMs) on local hardware infrastructure with a minimal set of dependencies.

Getting started

How to Install

The pip Way

We have precompiled binaries for most platforms up for grabs on PyPI. Install them using pip with this straightforward command:

pip install llm-rs

The Local Build Way

If you're looking for local or development builds, you'll want to use maturin as a build tool. Ensure it's installed with:

pip install maturin

Next, download and install the repo into your local Python environments using these commands:

git clone
cd ./llm-rs-python
maturin develop -r

Model Loading and Deployment

This library presently utilizes the ggml backend, and necessitates ggml-converted models for inference.

These converted models can be readily found on the HuggingfaceHub or referenced in the "Known-good-Models" list, curated in the rustformers/llm repository.

Each model architecture can be conveniently loaded through the llm_rs module.

For instance, loading an MPT model (like mpt-7b) can be achieved as shown below:

from llm_rs import Mpt

model = Mpt("path/to/model.bin")

Streamlined Model Loading

Models that have been converted or quantized using llm-rs include an additional *.meta file. This file enables streamlined loading via the AutoModel module. This feature is particularly advantageous as it allows you to load models without specifying the underlying architecture.

The following is an illustrative example:

from llm_rs import AutoModel

model = AutoModel.load("path/to/model.bin")

In this streamlined approach, the AutoModel module automatically infers the architecture from the *.meta file associated with the model, providing an intuitive and straightforward method for loading your models.

Text Generation

Every model implements a generate function that you can use to generate text using the loaded model.

Here's a quick look at how it works:

result = model.generate("The meaning of life is")

The generate function returns a result object, which contains the generated text.

A complete Example

Combining the previous examples, here's the simplest example of text generation:

from llm_rs import Llama

model = Llama("path/to/model.bin")
result = model.generate("The meaning of life is")

Customize Model Loading

Custom Session Configuration

When loading a model, you can pass a SessionConfig to customize certain runtime parameters. Here are the parameters you can adjust:

Parameter Description Default Value
threads Defines the number of threads for the generation process. 8
batch_size Specifies the size of the batch to be processed concurrently. 8
context_length Sets the length of the context for generation. 2048
keys_memory_type Selects the memory precision type for keys. Precision.FP32
values_memory_type Chooses the memory precision type for values. Precision.FP32
prefer_mmap Determines if memory mapping is preferred. True

To illustrate, here's an example of loading a model with a custom SessionConfig:

from llm_rs import Llama, SessionConfig, Precision

session_config = SessionConfig(
model = Llama("path/to/model.bin", session_config=session_config)

In this example, we've configured the session to use 12 threads, a context length of 512, and disabled memory mapping. Both keys and values will be stored with a precision of FP16.

Support for LoRA Adapters

LoRA adapters, a transformative method for reducing the memory footprint of transformer models, are compatible with all model architectures in llm-rs. Before use, LoRA adapters must be converted into the ggml format. These can then be loaded by passing them to the model's constructor as shown below:

from llm_rs import Llama

model = Llama("path/to/model.bin", lora_paths=["path/to/lora.bin"])

Using multiple LoRA Adapters

If multiple LoRA adapters should be used they can simply be added by passing multiple files to the lora_paths parameter.

from llm_rs import Llama

model = Llama("path/to/model.bin", lora_paths=["path/to/lora_1.bin","path/to/lora_2.bin"])

Verbose Loading for Detailed Insights

For a more comprehensive understanding of the loading process, the verbose flag can be utilized. By setting verbose to True, the library will provide detailed output at each step of the loading process, offering valuable insights for debugging or optimization.

from llm_rs import Llama

model = Llama("path/to/model.bin", verbose=True)

This enhanced verbosity aids in tracking the model loading procedure, ensuring smooth and efficient operations.

Customize Generation

Fine-Tuning the Generation Process

The generation method offers a significant degree of customizability through the GenerationConfig object. This configuration allows for precise control over the sampling of tokens during generation. Here are the parameters that you can adjust:

Parameter Description Default Value
top_k The number of top tokens to be considered for generation. 40
top_p The cumulative probability cutoff for token selection. 0.95
temperature The softmax temperature for controlling randomness. 0.8
repetition_penalty The penalty for token repetition. 1.3
repetition_penalty_last_n The penalty applied to the last N tokens if repeated. 512
seed The random seed for generating deterministic results. 42
max_new_tokens The maximum number of new tokens to generate (optional). None
stop_words A list of words to stop generation upon encountering (optional). None

For instance, you can set up a custom generation configuration as follows:

from llm_rs import Llama, GenerationConfig

model = Llama("path/to/model.bin")

generation_config = GenerationConfig(top_p=0.8, seed=69)
result = model.generate("The meaning of life is", generation_config=generation_config)

Implementing Callbacks During Generation

To further enhance your control over the generation process, llm-rs provides the ability to register a callback for each token generated. This is achieved by passing a function to the generate method. This function should accept a String and optionally return a Bool. If the returned value is True, the generation process will be halted.

Here's an example of how to use a callback:

from llm_rs import Llama
from typing import Optional

model = Llama("path/to/model.bin")

def callback(token: str) -> Optional[bool]:
    print(token, end="")

result = model.generate("The meaning of life is", callback=callback)

In this example, the callback function simply prints each generated token without halting the generation process.

Leveraging Tokenization Features

The llm-rs package provides direct access to the tokenizer and vocabulary of the loaded models through the tokenize and decode functions. These functions offer a straightforward way to convert between plain text and the corresponding tokenized representation.

Here's how you can make use of these functionalities:

from llm_rs import Llama

model = Llama("path/to/model.bin")

# Convert plain text to tokenized representation
tokenized_text = model.tokenize("The meaning of life is")

# Convert tokenized representation back to plain text
decoded_text = model.decode(tokenized_text)

In this example, the tokenize function transforms a given text into a sequence of tokens that the model can understand. The decode function does the inverse by converting the tokenized representation back into human-readable text.